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Transamerica Life Insurance Claims Denied

Denied Transamerica Life Insurance Claim

Lifestyle and habits misrepresentation in the context of life insurance occurs when an individual provides inaccurate or false information about their lifestyle choices and habits during the insurance application process. Our life insurance lawyers handle all denied life insurance claims. This misrepresentation can affect the terms, premium rates, and approval of a life insurance policy. Here are different types of lifestyle and habits misrepresentation:

  1. Tobacco Use Misrepresentation: One of the most common types of lifestyle misrepresentation involves tobacco use. If an applicant conceals or misrepresents their smoking or tobacco use habits, they may be charged a lower premium than they should or may receive more favorable terms. This can lead to claim issues if tobacco use is discovered after the policy is issued.
  2. Alcohol Consumption Misrepresentation: Some life insurance applications ask about the frequency and quantity of alcohol consumption. Misrepresenting these habits can lead to inaccurately low premiums and policy terms. If excessive alcohol consumption or alcohol-related health issues are discovered later, it can result in claim denial.
  3. Drug Use Misrepresentation: Applicants are typically asked about illegal drug use, including the use of recreational drugs. Misrepresenting drug use can impact the policy’s terms and may lead to claim denial if drug-related issues arise.
  4. Diet and Nutrition Misrepresentation: Some policies may inquire about dietary habits. Misrepresenting one’s diet, especially if it has a significant impact on health, can affect underwriting and the policy’s terms.
  5. Exercise and Physical Activity Misrepresentation: Accurate information about physical activity and exercise habits is important in underwriting. Misrepresenting these habits can lead to inaccurately low premiums or policy terms and potential issues with the policy if the insured’s health is impacted by a lack of physical activity.
  6. High-Risk Hobbies and Activities Misrepresentation: As previously mentioned, certain high-risk hobbies and activities like skydiving, rock climbing, and extreme sports are often asked about in life insurance applications. Misrepresenting participation in these activities can impact the policy’s terms and may lead to claim denial if an accident related to these activities occurs.
  7. Travel Misrepresentation: Some policies ask about travel plans, especially in high-risk areas or during specific events. Misrepresenting travel intentions can affect the policy’s terms and potential claim outcomes.
  8. Reckless Behavior Misrepresentation: Some applications may ask about reckless behavior or criminal activities. Concealing such behavior can lead to issues with the policy if it becomes known.
  9. Concealment of Mental Health Issues: Misrepresenting or concealing mental health conditions, psychiatric treatment, or a history of therapy may impact the underwriting and policy terms. It can also lead to claim denial if mental health issues play a role in the claim.

Call our life insurance lawyers today for a free consultation.

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