Interpleader Lawyer

Life Insurance Bad Faith

No other firm is experienced as ours handling life insurance bad faith cases.

Some examples of life insurance bad faith:

  • An insurance company denies a claim based on a minor discrepancy in the policyholder’s medical history, even though the discrepancy is not related to the cause of death.
  • An insurance company delays paying a claim by requesting unnecessary or repetitive documents from the beneficiary, such as proof of identity, death certificate, or autopsy report.
  • An insurance company accuses the beneficiary of fraud or misrepresentation without any evidence, and threatens to cancel the policy or sue the beneficiary.
  • An insurance company refuses to negotiate a fair settlement with the beneficiary, and instead tries to pressure them into accepting a lowball offer or dropping the claim.
  • An insurance company ignores or fails to respond to the beneficiary’s inquiries, complaints, or appeals regarding the claim status or the settlement amount.

You can call us for a free consultation.

Bad Faith Life Insurance Cases

We have resolved thousands of bad faith life insurance cases, so you need to call to collect.

  • Some life insurance companies may act dishonestly by not paying the claim promptly after getting all the required documents. They may also be unfair by canceling or letting the policy expire without a good reason or a grace period . Moreover, they may be untrustworthy by mismanaging the premiums paid by the insured.
  • Another way that life insurance companies may show bad faith is by denying a claim without giving a clear explanation or doing a proper investigation first . They may also show bad faith by hiding important information from the insured about their policy or claim. Furthermore, they may show bad faith by refusing to negotiate or settle a valid claim.

We will fight the insurance companies and recover money for you.

We Win Life Insurance Bad Faith Cases

We will get you every penny to which you are entitled.

We are experienced bad faith life insurance lawyers.


One example of bad faith is when a life insurance company deliberately misinterprets a material fact or policy provision relating to coverage. This may include using ambiguous language, applying unreasonable interpretations, or ignoring relevant evidence.


Another example of bad faith is when a life insurance company fails to inform the insured of pertinent information. This may include withholding important details about the policy, the claim process, the rights of the insured, or the reasons for denial.


A third example of bad faith is when a life insurance company causes unreasonable delays throughout the claim process. This may include ignoring or stalling communication, requesting unnecessary or repetitive documentation, or failing to confirm or deny coverage in a timely manner.


We will fight the insurance companies and win.

Bad Faith Insurance Lawyer Contingency Fee

With respect to bad faith life insurance cases, we don’t get paid unless you get paid.

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